

    · 请填写报关资料:(注意以下项目带*必须填写)

    预录入编号(Pre entry number):
    海关编号(Customs Recmord Number ):
    收发货人(shipper): *
    出口口岸(port of export): *
    出口日期(Export date):
    申报日期(Date of declaration):
    生产销售单位(Production and marketing unit): *
    运输方式(Mode of Transport):
    提运单号(Bill of lading number):
    申报单位(Declaration unit):
    贸易方式(type of trading): *
    征免性质(Kind of tax):
    备案号(Customs registration number):
    贸易国(地区)(Trading Country): *
    运抵国(地区)(Destionation Country): *
    指运港:仁川(port of destination P.O.D. Incheon): *
    境内货源地(Place of Manufacture):
    许可证号(License Number):
    成交方式(Terms of Trade): *
    保费(Insurance premium):
    合同协议号(Contract Number): *
    件数(Numbers of Packages): *
    包装种类(Kinds of Packing): *
    毛重(千克)(Gross Weight(kilo)): *
    净重(千克)(Net Weight(kilo)): *
    集装箱号(Container Number):
    随附单证(Attached Documents):
    标记唛码及备注(Shipping Marks & Remarks Declarant):
    项号(Item Number):
    商品编号(H.S Code): *
    商品名称(Description of Goods) : *
    规格型号(ncluding Specification&Type specifications and models): *
    数量及单位(Quantity&Unit Uinal): *
    原产国(地区)(Country of origin):
    单价(Unit Price): *
    总价(Total Amount): *
    币制(Currency): *
    特殊关系确认(Special relationship validation):
    价格影响确认(Price impact confirmation) :
    支持特许权使用费确认(Support concession fee recognition) :
    录入员(Entry Clerk) :
    录入单位(Entry unit) :
    (It is hereby declared that the above contents shall bear the legal responsibility for paying tax in accordance with the law )
    报关人员(Customs broker):
    申报单位(签章)(Declaration unit(signature)):
    海关批注及签章(Customs endorsement ( signature)):