현재 위치 :온라인 세관신고

           온라인 세관신고

    · 세관 신고 자료를 작성해주세요(*표시는 필수 항목입니다)

    예약녹화번호(Pre entry number):
    세관번호 (Customs Recmord Number ):
    收발송인(shipper): *
    수출항(port of export): *
    출항일(Export date):
    신고일(Date of declaration):
    제조자(Production and marketing unit): *
    운송수단(Mode of Transport):
    B/L 번호(Bill of lading number):
    신고기관(Declaration unit):
    무역방식(type of trading): *
    세금종류(KIND OF TAX):
    등록번호(Customs registration number):
    무역국(지)(Trading Country): *
    도착국(지)(Destionation Country): *
    지정항: 인천(port of destination P.O.D. Incheon): *
    국내원산지(Place of Manufacture):
    허가증번호(License Number):
    거래방식(Terms of Trade): *
    보험료(Insurance premium):
    계약서번호(Contract Number): *
    수량(Numbers of Packages): *
    포장품종(Kinds of Packing): *
    총중량( kg)(Gross Weight(kilo)): *
    순중량(kg)(Net Weight(kilo)): *
    컨테이너번호(Container Number):
    첨부서류(Attached Documents):
    쉬핑마크(Shipping Marks & Remarks Declarant):
    품목번호(Item Number):
    HS코드(H.S Code): *
    상품명(Description of Goods) : *
    모델규격(ncluding Specification&Type specifications and models): *
    수량&단위(Quantity&Unit Uinal): *
    원산국(지)(Country of origin):
    단가(Unit Price): *
    총금액(Total Amount): *
    화폐(Currency): *
    특수관계확인(Special relationship validation):
    가격영향확인(Price impact confirmation) :
    특허권사용허가료확인(Support concession fee recognition) :
    기록원(Entry Clerk) :
    기록기관(Entry unit) :
    위 내용을 사실대로 시고하여 법에 따라 세금을 납부하겠습니다.
    (It is hereby declared that the above contents shall bear the legal responsibility for paying tax in accordance with the law )
    신고인(Customs broker):
    신고기관(날인)(Declaration unit(signature)):
    세관승인 및 날인(Customs endorsement ( signature)):